Staying Connected Through Our Events
Fall Back Into Fitness Event - Harvest Your Strength, Embrace Your Health
Monday, September 23 through Friday, September 27
Participants have a chance to win a $25 gift card per event, with prizes awarded to one male and one female winner.
- Monday, September 23
Crazy Hat Day
Kick off Spirit Week
Bobbing for Apples: (Push-Up) - Tuesday, September 24
Sports/Jersey Day
Picking Pumpkins: (Wall Sit - holding weighted medicine ball) - Wednesday, September 25
Wear Blue Wednesday
Bring a guest for FREE - ALL DAY
Earn 50 Member Reward points upon check-in
Fall Foliage Hold (Dead hangs)
Complimentary Coffee Station (8:30am - 11:30am), Wellness Center Lobby
Complimentary Body Composition Analysis 11:00am - 1:00pm
Complimentary Chair Massages 11:00am - 1:00pm
First New Member Orientation - 4:30 pm
Pilates Launch - 6:30pm - Thursday, September 26
Disney Dress Up Day
Squash Squats (Barbell Squats)
Zumba Masterclass 5:30pm - 6:30pm, Group Fitness Studio - Friday, September 27
Pink Out for Pink Out Parade
Pumpkin Pie Push (Prowler Push)
For more information, email
Programs for Parkinson's
PWR! Moves: Parkinson’s Wellness Recovery
Tuesdays: 12:00pm-1:00pm, Thursdays: 11:00am-12:00pm
The focus of this program is improving movement, balance and coordination through group exercise sessions. PWR! Moves is based on training foundational skills that make up everyday function, allowing you to move more quickly and freely during daily activities.
Pedaling for Parkinson's
Mondays and Wednesdays: 1:30pm-2:30pm
Pedaling for Parkinson’s is an indoor cycling program, that provides a safe and effective way for Parkinson’s patients to combat symptoms and improve motor function. Under the supervision of an Exercise Physiologist, patients will be coached to maintain a cycle speed of 80-90 RPM’s, to increase cardiovascular fitness and improve motor control.
Located in the large group exercise studio on the third floor.
$10 per class | $60 for 10 classes
Initial Assessments are required at a cost of $25
For questions or more information, please stop by the front desk or call Call407-303-4400.