You may be prepared to manage the practical aspects of clean-up and repair, the emotional component can be surprising and make it difficult to take on the tasks at hand.
Even though your odds of going into labor during a hurricane are low, it's a good idea to know what to expect if it happens. Here's advice on how to prepare.
Take time before disaster strikes to establish an Emergency Communication Plan for your family to save you future stress and confusion — and could even save your life.
Because hurricanes throw our exterior world out of our control, they can make us feel out of control on the inside. From meditation and comic relief to exercise and rest, there are many things you can...
As frightening as a natural disaster like a Hurricane is for adults, it can be even scarier for our littlest family members. From the upsetting images they see on TV to the stress of preparations in...
Surgery to treat colorectal cancer is most effective when it’s caught early. The best way to do that is to get a colonoscopy every 10 years starting at either age 45 or 50 depending on risk factors.
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