A man working on a laptop.

Exposure Hotline

In the event of a workplace exposure, Centra Care’s experienced teams are there for you. Our Exposure Hotline (a URAC award recipient) offers counseling to employees who sustain a workplace exposure to blood or body fluids, exposure to communicable diseases like tuberculosis (TB) and meningitis, or an environmental exposure.

The Exposure Hotline is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by professional nurses trained in occupational exposures. The program follows the compliance guidelines of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and OSHA standards and regulations.

Our Exposure Hotline nurses provide immediate risk assessment through triage, using the CDC guidelines, for diseases involving blood-borne pathogen exposures. They offer counseling, including emotional support, and immediate referral to appropriate health care providers. The Exposure Hotline nurse obtains source information, when available, and includes it in the Exposure report that is sent to the treating physician. In particular circumstances, occupational physicians are available to document the medical need for obtaining a court order for source testing when other attempts have been unsuccessful.

In addition, the Hotline staff has expertise in advising employees exposed to communicable diseases such as tuberculosis (TB) and meningitis. They also have immediate access to medical advice from on-call occupational medicine physicians for unusual environmental exposures or bio-terrorism issues.

The Exposure Hotline Service is a URAC accredited medical call center. Question and Answers feedback from our nurses is returned to the call center nurse educator and QA coordinator on every Exposure report. Our nurses are on-call 24/7 as a resource for the call center staff.

Doctor reviewing paperwork with a patient

MRO Services

A certified Medical Review Officer acts as a liaison between employers and service providers to help navigate medical issues and keep the employer compliant with HIPAA regulations.

Many companies need a Medical Review Officer because a Medical Review Officer provides valuable independent confidentiality for HIPAA compliance within an organization. Centra Care’s Medical Review Officers can provide timely results that are accessible via fax, automated phone system or secure website via email.

Centra Care MRO Services Include:

  • Supervisor training online
  • DFWP/DOT policy development
  • Nicotine screening
  • Random/compliance Program
  • Out of network
  • On-site collection services
  • SAMSHA-certified lab services