Respiratory Program

Finding Your Best Health at Home

When you’re managing a chronic illness like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or a long-term illness like pneumonia, it’s important to have the right people by your side. With our Respiratory Program, you’ll breathe easier knowing you have the education, tools, and strategies necessary to find better health—and to help avoid another visit to the hospital.

You’re On a Path to Better Health

Your condition, while serious, is manageable. Our program teaches you how to manage your medications and offers coping strategies such as conserving energy.

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  • What is Respiratory Disease?

    We depend on our lungs to supply our blood with oxygen. Unfortunately, our lungs don’t work very well with diseases like Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), pneumonia, and COVID-19 which make breathing very difficult.

  • We Help Control the Symptoms of COPD

    COPD isn’t a single disease, rather it refers to a group of lung diseases that block airflow as you exhale and make it increasingly difficult to breathe. The damage to your lungs can’t be reversed, but our treatments help to control symptoms and minimize further damage.

  • We Help You Recover at Home

    As we navigate waves of COVID-19 cases and coronavirus variants, we’ll guide you as you balance being safe with moving forward. We provide telehealth monitoring with RN phone assessments completed around scheduled in-home visits.

    At AdventHealth, we use monoclonal antibody infusions to treat COVID-19 patients to keep symptoms from worsening. The hope is to prevent the need for hospitalization. We will coordinate with your physician as well as an infusion company to have medication delivered to you and administered right in your home.

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