Rothman Orthopaedics at the AdventHealth Training Center

The Nation’s Top Orthopedic Experts, Dedicated to Your Care

AdventHealth and Rothman Orthopaedics Logos

Together with Rothman Orthopaedics, AdventHealth is taking sports medicine care and recovery to the next level. Our team of experts is well-known for providing orthopedic care that’s exceptionally specialized. Rothman Orthopaedics' sports medicine physicians and surgeons are fellowship-trained, meaning that they focus solely on this area, delivering truly expert care to help you rebound.

Discover how our Rothman Orthopaedics team will help you get back to your best at the AdventHealth Training Center.

Specializing in Next-Level Sports Medicine Treatments

Our world-class Rothman Orthopaedics physicians use innovation, research and dedicated expertise to ensure better outcomes that don’t always mean surgery. No matter your sport, we’ll get you back in the game, fast.

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Meet Our Rothman Orthopaedics Team

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Luke S. Oh, MD

Luke S Oh, MD

Orthopedic Sports Medicine Surgeon

D. Harrison Youmans, MD

D. Harrison Youmans, MD

Orthopedic Sports Medicine Physician

Take the First Step to Get Back to Your Best

Our team of Rothman Orthopaedics providers is ready to help you recover and rebuild with the right treatments for you. To get started with pro-level care, request an appointment today.