- AdventHealth Digestive Health Institute

On Monday June 6 through the 8thI participated in RPSG (reduced port surgical group) conference held by Drs. Paul Curcillo and Stephanie King in Philadelphia, PA. This conference brought together surgeons from around the world who specifically are interested in learning more about advanced minimally invasive surgery (MIS). The energy in this conference was palpable. There was a great deal of information exchange among the surgeons. My lecture was about Laparo-Endoscopic Single Site (LESS) fundoplication for the treatment of GERD. I described Dr. Rosemurgy, my colleague, and my experience and outcomes with these operations. We have the world largest experience with the LESS surgical approach. Also, I instructed, in a hands-on lab, surgeons from Venezuela, Japan, and Germany how to do various laparoscopic operations through a single incision at the belly button. The conference was outstanding! Congratulations to Paul and Stephanie for putting together this wonderful event.