Caring for You Throughout Every Surgical Procedure
Somewhere along your wellness journey, surgery might be the answer. And when it is, it’ll be an important step along the way, but not the finish line. At AdventHealth, our goal is to deliver expert whole-person surgical care, before, during, and after any treatment. From elective to urgent surgical procedures, outpatient to inpatient, let us help you charge forward, combining the most advanced science and the least invasive techniques — including robot-assisted surgery — with kindness, compassion, and comfort.
Every Step of the Way Compassionate Surgical Specialists
- Advanced Surgical Options
At AdventHealth, you have a team of surgical specialists on call to provide the best care and the most compassionate support. Count on us to help you get back to the life you know and love. Sometimes this calls for minimally invasive surgical procedures or treatments that use advanced robotics — other times, more conventional care. It may also mean phasing surgical procedures over time. Across our network of care, we offer all of the most advanced surgical options, including:
- Endoscopic Procedures that do not require incisions
- Laparoscopic Surgical Procedures that reduce scarring because they rely on small incisions
- Robot-Assisted Surgeries for the most precise care
You've come to the right place in your health-care journey. Our talented and respected surgeons will guide you toward a procedure that maximizes effectiveness and comfort — and minimizes disruption.
- State-of-the-Art Robot-Assisted Surgery
Within our network of care, AdventHealth provides the most sought-out robotic-assisted surgery treatments in the country. Our robotics program, led by one of the world’s most knowledgeable robotic surgery teams, is designed to promote a quicker recovery and an overall better experience for you. This astounding technological advance is transforming the ways we are able to treat illness, with more minimally-invasive surgical options now than ever before, which means you experience less downtime and a faster recovery. Conditions we treat with robot-assisted surgery include:
- Bladder Cancer
- Gynecologic Conditions
- Heartburn and GERD
- Hernia and Abdominal Pain
- Kidney Disease
- Lung Cancer
- Obesity and Weight Loss
- Prostate Cancer
- Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
- Thyroid Diseases
Your whole health is our first priority. We are always looking for ways to provide better care and are passionate about researching and discovering new technologies that enhance our ability to heal your body, ease your mind, and lift your spirit. Learn more about our Global Robotics Institute.
- A Variety of Surgical Specialists Working Together
Finding the right surgical specialists can be a challenge. At AdventHealth, we've gathered a broad team of surgical specialists under our vast umbrella of care. These experts work together across disciplines to optimize every aspect of your health — from physical to emotional and spiritual, from pre-diagnosis to post-surgery and rehabilitation. Our experts specialize in the following types of surgeries:
- Bariatric
- Ears, Nose and Throat
- General
- Gynecologic
- Oncological
- Ophthalmologic
- Oral
- Orthopedic
- Pediatric
- Plastic
- Urologic
- And much more
Within our network, we provide coordinators who can guide you through every step of your surgical procedure, from scheduling your appointments to coordinating your care with doctors and specialists. You’ll also have access to your care team before your operation to answer all of your pressing questions.
Learn more about our Plastic Surgery options. - A Comforting Environment Centered Around You
It’s natural to feel overwhelmed, even a little bit scared, when it comes to having a surgical procedure. That's why everything in our hospitals is designed to help settle your mind and ease your spirit. Our waiting rooms are calm and comforting. Our patient rooms feature floor-to-ceiling windows, relaxing lighting, and soothing music. And healing gardens and walking paths — available at many facilities — provide a place for you to rest and recharge.
We know that having family and friends around helps you heal. That's why we don't limit their visits with posted visiting hours. Our open visiting hours mean that your loved ones can come whenever you like and even stay overnight on our pull-out beds and couches.
Get the rest and emotional support you need to heal. Your team is knowledgeable, but they’re also caring, thoughtful, and kind. They tend to the details, like ensuring you get some rest during our dedicated daily quiet times as well as at night. And because we know clear communication is critical, we also have onsite translators skilled in several languages and, at some facilities, Care Navigators to guide you and answer any questions.
Even your loved ones are in good hands, with comfortable waiting rooms and nutritional on-campus dining options. Before you are released, we walk you through next steps, so you are always clear where to go and what to do next.