AdventHealth Orlando is Home to “Gold Standard” MRI Technology

Woman preparing for an MRI
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At AdventHealth, we’re passionate about finding ways to provide you with even better care. That’s why, whenever possible, we invest in the latest technology that may allow us to diagnose or treat you more efficiently.

AdventHealth Orlando is proudly equipped with two new 3T MRI machines, the latest in magnetic resonance imaging technology with twice the power, accuracy and clarity of previous machines. This means you can feel confident in your diagnosis and get the answers you need even faster.

The 3T Difference

The images from an MRI scan assist physicians in the diagnosis of problems with the joints, tendons and ligaments, as well as the brain, spine, neck, breasts, abdomen and pelvis. 3T MRI is currently the gold standard in many areas of medical imaging.

The “T” in 3T stands for Tesla, which is the unit of measurement used to describe the strength of the magnet used in an MRI. If you’ve had an MRI in the past, you likely experienced a 1.5T scanner. But the stronger 3T magnet can create higher-quality images, meaning your doctor will be able to see what’s going on with even more clarity and definition.

Fortunately, insurance does not bill more for 3T scans than traditional 1.5T scans, so there is no difference in cost to you.

Since they use powerful magnets, it’s important to tell your physician and technologist if you have anything metal in or on your body before your scan. Some implants that may be safe to go inside a less powerful 1.5T scanner may not be safe inside a 3T scanner.

Your Compassionate Imaging Team

Our technologist teams adhere to the highest levels of quality and radiation safety. We also understand that undergoing imaging can be a little daunting, so we’re here to put your mind at ease.

Whatever your test, you can depend on our team to guide you, explaining each step and helping to make you as comfortable as possible. After your exam, we’ll carefully assess each picture and work to deliver your results as soon as possible.

To learn more about our imaging services, visit our website.

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