Back to School: Teacher's Edition

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Summer is here again which means that you, as a teacher, finally have some time on your hands to take care of all those things that you cant quite find time for during the school year. And since you make enough lists during the year, we've compiled a top ten list of ways to take care of yourself and make the most out of summer for you.

Teachers Top 10 Summer Activities

  1. Rest Take a break, you've earned it. All those long days of early mornings, late planning sessions, grading papers, and getting ready for the next day have probably left you exhausted, so take some time early on in your summer to unwind and get centered. Rest and relaxation are essential for the health of your body, mind, and spirit.
  2. Read While you're taking it easy and resting up from the previous school year, find a good book or several. This time is also a great opportunity to find books for your students to read next year. But if you're interested in changing positions or who and what you teach, you may want to focus your reading on continuing education and certifications.
  3. Family Time Spending quality time with your family over the school year can be daunting. Summer break is a great time to make time for your family. Whether you're playing board games or going to the movies its important to take the chance to get reacquainted with your family. Children grow up quickly and their interests are constantly evolving so you may be surprised to learn what they're into now, it may even be something you enjoy, as well.
  4. Travel We all know that a teachers pay is rarely commensurate with the hard work you put in, and travel is expensive, but we hope you're able to do so. Travel is excellent for the body, mind, and spirit. New experiences create new connections in our brains and the exercise you'll get from traveling is great for the body, while the spirit is renewed by going somewhere you've been wanting to go. If you cant afford to go far, though, discover something new and near to home. There are plenty of amazing local adventures to be had in Florida.
  5. Home Projects You know the ones, they've been there nagging at the back of your mind all school year. The bathroom that needs to be redone, the gutters that need cleaning and repair, repainting the dining room, etc. Summer break is a great chance to get caught up on all those home improvement ideas that have been floating around you head for the last 9 months. Some of them may even provide you with the opportunity to learn some new skills.
  6. Health Checkups Making time for doctors appointments and dental exams can be near impossible during the school year, so for your whole well-being, take the time to see them over the break. Everyone should have a yearly physical, a biyearly teeth cleaning, and depending on your health history, other yearly checkups. The kids you teach will keep bringing in new germs, so its important for you to be in the best health possible going into the new year. You may even feel like speaking with a therapist about any other concerns you may have. Mental health is just as important as your physical and spiritual well-being.
  7. Volunteer Volunteering is an excellent was to spend any extra time you have. There are no shortage of groups doing good work that desperately need volunteers. Find a church or charity whose values are aligned with yours and learn what you can do to help. Some great examples are comforting babies born with addictions in the NICU, visiting with people that are in hospice that don't have families of their own to visit them, and helping serve meals in a soup kitchen or food pantry. Volunteering can make a huge difference to your spirit and outlook and help you get prepared for the new school year.
  8. Exercise During the school year you may get exercise walking the halls, climbing stairs, and supervising recess, but in the summer with your focus being largely on relaxing and renewal, you may forget to do so. Exercise is crucial to your whole health and the summer break is a great time to start good habits that will benefit you and your students through the school year.
  9. Bargain Hunting As a teacher in Florida, you know how many things you need to bring to the classroom to support your lesson plans. Take some time during the summer break to do shopping expeditions for school supplies, educational resources, and new clothes for the new year. The used section of Amazon has some brilliant bargains on books and other supplies you may need, and teachers often get great deals at dollar stores and craft stores.
  10. Planning and Preparing Use the summer break to reflect on the last year and to prepare for the one to come. As you well know, teaching is about much more than a lesson plan, and taking time to get ready for the next year is crucial to being at your best for yourself and your students.

To catch up on your doctor appointments or schedule your yearly physical with one of our physicians, please call Call855-303-DOCS. If you'd like more information about volunteering at AdventHealth, please visit our website to find the most convenient location.

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