Welcoming You With an Updated Visitor Policy
We believe that visits from family members and friends help healing happen. We welcome patient visitation at AdventHealth facilities, and we’ve made updates to our visitor policy to ensure everyone’s safety while encouraging healing
- General Policy Guidelines
We ensure all visitors enjoy full and equal visitation privileges consistent with the patient or resident’s preferences, and each patient or resident and/or their Legally Authorized Person(s) has the right to consent, withdraw consent or decline visitors.
Visitation privileges shall not be restricted, limited or otherwise denied on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability, and this policy supersedes any inconsistent visitation policies and procedures in our Florida facilities.
- Patient Visitation Rights
Patients and residents have the right to receive visitors they permit, including (but not limited to) a spouse (including a same-sex spouse), a domestic partner (including a same-sex domestic partner), family member or friend.
Patients also have the right to bring visitors to the patient-accessible areas of the health care facility to accompany them while receiving inpatient or outpatient treatment or consulting with health care providers, unless doing so would risk anyone’s health or safety or if it can’t be reasonably accommodated by the facility.
Residents have the right to receive visitors of their choosing when they choose to. Notwithstanding the foregoing and subject to a patient’s right to consent, withdraw consent or decline, in-person visitation is allowed in the following circumstances:
- End-of-life situations
- Patient who was living with family before being admitted to the hospital is struggling with the change in environment and lack of in-person family support
- Patient is making one or more major medical decisions
- Patient is experiencing emotional distress or grieving the loss of a friend or family member who recently died
- Patient needs cueing or encouragement to eat or drink which was previously provided by a family member or caregiver
- Patient who used to talk and interact with others is seldom speaking
- Childbirth, including labor and delivery
- Pediatric patients
Consensual physical contact between a patient or resident and a visitor is permissible.
- Essential Caregivers
Patients and residents may designate a family member, friend, guardian or other individual (including resident representative) as an essential caregiver. These caregivers have in-person visitation privileges for at least two hours daily in addition to any other visitation permitted by the facility and/or this policy, whichever is greater.
- Minor Visitors
Minor visitors under 12 years of age shall be accompanied and supervised by an adult other than the patient or resident at all times.
- Screening, Infection Prevention and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Proof of COVID-19 vaccination is not required to visit us. Our facilities will screen all visitors for COVID-19 symptoms, infection or exposure before entry. This screening may include temperature checks, completion of attestation forms and/or answering a series of questions. Any visitors who do not pass this screening will be offered an opportunity to visit the patient or resident virtually where available. All visitors must wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), which at a minimum is a face mask (additional PPE may be required as clinically indicated). All visitors and children over age 2 will be provided a face mask for their use. Visitor PPE requirements will be consistent with facility staff members’ PPE requirements, except for fit testing of N95 masks. Our facilities will supply tissues, waste receptacles, alcohol-based hand sanitizer and face masks at all entry points at both acute care and ambulatory locations, and we will have signage on hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette.
- Visitor Responsibilities
All visitors to our facilities are responsible for:
- Being respectful and considerate of the rights and needs of other patients, residents and health care team members
- Being sensitive to noise level, number of visitors and the facility’s smoke-free environment
- Following this policy and other facility’s policies and procedures that the visitor is made aware of
- Visitation Updates and Limitations
Our visitation updates include:
- In-person visitation may not be possible if the visitor does not pass the COVID-19 screening or when the facility incident command center has temporarily suspended visitation
- Facilities may provide virtual visitation as an option when available (or potentially when visitors don’t pass the COVID-19 screening)
- Facilities are available 24/7 to visitors of patients or residents, but preferable visitation is during the day to support a restful healing at night
- The number of visitors may be subject to a reasonable rotation based on the patient’s or resident’s clinical condition and/or the facility’s space limitations
- Access will be provided as required by regulatory agencies
A visitor’s in-person visitation privileges may be suspended if they violate this policy or the facility’s policies and procedures that the visitor is made aware of.