Fun Things to Do With Your Extra Hour

A mom pushes her son a bike, outside.
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With daylight saving time approaching, we’re about to be blessed with an extra hour. While you may be tempted to sleep right though it, set the alarm at the usual time and get the most out of your bonus hour. Here are some fun suggestions.

Build a Campfire

Fall is the perfect time to stay up a little later and swap stories around a campfire. Find a safe place in your yard or at a nearby state park (where allowed) to build a fire and roast your favorite campfire foods. In addition to classics like s’mores and hotdogs, try some healthier options like roasting corn or skewers full of vegetables.

Enjoy the Fall Weather

Whether your neck of woods is littered with colorful fall leaves or green year-round, you can get outside to enjoy the fall weather. No matter where you are, cool breezes have likely replaced hot summer air. Take it all in during a brisk walk or hike. The fresh air and exercise are good for the body, mind and spirit. Plus, it’s also a chance to get some vitamin D before the cloudy days of winter settle in.

Read a Book

Reading is another habit that’s great for your mental health. But as we get busy, we often let our love of stories fall to the wayside. Be intentional about picking up your favorite book, finding a quiet spot and reading an hour (or two) away.

Spend an Hour in Prayer

An extra hour is the perfect time to reflect on your life. Whether you choose to pray at church, in nature or in the comfort of your home, quiet time spent in prayer is calming for the mind and spirit. After your prayer hour, you’ll be ready for your busy week ahead.

Spend Time With Friends

Sometimes it’s hard to find time to spend with friends. Take advantage of your extra hour to have friends over or meet up. Even just an hour of time together can go a long way in maintaining important relationships that are good for your whole health.

Take a Family Outing

It’s easy, especially in the upcoming winter months, to become a homebody. But a family trip out for a fun activity is a great way to spend your extra hour and make some memories along the way. You could:

  • Go bowling
  • Play laser tag or mini-golf
  • See a movie or play
  • Visit a museum
  • Volunteer

Setting aside time for family fun is important for your family’s overall happiness.

Make a Plan for Your Wellness

At AdventHealth, we want to help you achieve wellness in your body, mind and spirit. From personalized dietary advice to exercise classes, we give you the resources you need to improve your well-being. Learn more about our wellness services.

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