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Moving Forward: How to Continue to Stay Safe After Reopening

A woman wearing a mask in public.
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Now that many areas have relaxed social distancing guidelines, you may be eager to reconnect with friends and family, enjoy a meal at a restaurant or let your kids have playdates. Even grocery shopping may sound like a welcome break from life at home. But all these activities still bring risks, so what can you do now to ensure safety?

There Are Ways to Get Back to Life, Safely

We want to assure you that there are ways to get back to your life — grocery shopping, getting health care and spending time with loved ones — safely. Continue to practice the safety measures you already know, like wearing your mask in public, staying 6 feet away from others and washing your hands frequently, as you move forward in the new normal.

Know Your Risk Level to Stay Safe

While everyone should take safety measures, it’s important to also weigh your priorities and activities with your personal risk level. If you’re at a high risk of severe illness — if you’re immunocompromised or have a chronic illness, for example — we encourage you to consider limiting time spent in public, except to get health care.

Getting the In-Person Health Care You Need

When you need health care, rest assured that there’s a safe way to get the care you need: All AdventHealth facilities have made extra safety precautions our new normal for your protection. As you get back to life in the new normal, we’re here to help you get back on track with all your health care needs like you usually do, with your protection as our priority in every facility.

Navigating the New Normal

Guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) helped businesses, schools, childcare providers and restaurants reopen after the COVID-19 shutdown several months ago. Although following the guidelines will reduce the risk of infection, it’s important to remember that there is still no vaccine or cure. This means that you should continue doing your part to minimize your own risk and the risk of everyone around you.

As you navigate the new normal, make sure you and your family are doing your part to continue to slow the spread of the virus by:

  • Avoiding crowds and crowded venues

  • Covering coughs and sneezes

  • Greeting others with a wave or verbal greeting instead of a hug or handshake

  • Wearing your face masks or cloth face coverings in public

  • Washing or sanitizing your hands often

  • Staying 6 feet away from others in public

Don’t become complacent — it’s important to remain vigilant to keep yourself and others safe. To make progress, it’s everyone’s responsibility to continue these safety measures in our new normal way of life.

Understanding Your Risk of Illness

The unfortunate fact is that it’s possible for anyone to get COVID-19. Your risk does, however, vary depending on factors such as if you:

  • Fall into one of the CDC’s high-risk categories

  • Are age 65 or older

  • Have an underlying medical condition such as heart disease, diabetes or severe obesity

  • Live in a nursing home or long-term care facility

  • Live in a state with a high infection rate

  • Live with someone or have been in contact with someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19

If you fall into one of those categories, it’s still a good idea to stay home as much as possible.

Keeping Yourself Healthy

No matter where you live or what your health status may be, you can take action that will reduce your risk of contracting COVID-19 and slow the spread of the virus. The first thing to do is stay home if you feel sick. Call your physician immediately if you think you have COVID-19 symptoms, like cough, shortness of breath, fever, chills, muscle pain, sore throat or new loss of taste or smell.

To keep yourself healthy, the CDC recommends that you continue to practice safety precautions like:

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands

  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily

  • Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue and washing your hands immediately

  • Practice social distancing by staying at least 6 feet away from anyone outside your household

  • Use a cloth face covering to cover your mouth and nose when around others, even if you do not feel sick

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water or sanitizer that is at least 60% alcohol

Stay Vigilant and Remain Responsible in the New Normal

While virus fatigue is real, you and your family and friends play a vital role in moving America forward during the pandemic. Your personal actions — such as staying at home as much as possible, limiting the number of people you see, wearing a cloth face covering and practicing good hygiene — will make a big difference.

Empowering You to Move Forward With Confidence

Your safety is our priority. As we face these challenges together, know we’re always here to support you in body, mind and spirit. Whether you need safe, whole-person care or the latest news and information, we’re with you every step of the way to help navigate the healthiest path forward.

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