Tips On Planning Your Feel Whole Challenge

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Feel Whole Challenge Day 1: Plan Out Your Challenges

As a Public Health Specialist and Holistic Wellness Coach, my job is always focused on pouring into others. I honestly can say that I am so excited to be participating in the Feel Whole Challenge to finally have a good opportunity to pour into myself!

I figured what better way to get started than to spend this rainy morning drinking a hot cup of tea and planning out my challenge prompts. Planning out my prompts ahead of time will definitely help me hold myself accountable throughout all 21 days.

Okay, I have a confession to make—I’m more of a visual kinda gal! As much as I love old fashioned pen and paper and writing things down (wow my inner 90’s child is showing), I’m very much with the times and love the resources technology has to offer us.

For this challenge, once I had some thoughts written down on my calendar, I decided to make a Pinterest vision board to help get my creative juices flowing. This actually got me really excited!

Anytime I decide to take part in any kind of challenge, the first thing I like to do is set S.M.A.R.T. goals.

  • S - Specific
  • M - Measurable
  • A - Attainable
  • R - Relevant
  • T - Time-Based

Setting SMART goals helps keep me on track and on task throughout challenge days!

So I’m sure you’re wondering what prompts I’m looking forward to the most—well that’s an easy one for me. I am super excited about drinking MORE water! I’m sure to most that sounds crazy, but when you already love drinking it every day, is that really a challenge?

Just because water is my go-to drink of choice doesn’t always mean I get enough in. Okay, how about Day 9: Try a New Exercise with a Friend, SO FUN! I think I’m going to try a cycling class. I saw a new studio not too far down the street from me that I’ve heard nothing but great things about.

Also, Day 19: Try Something You’ve Never Done Before — oh, yikes! New things make me a little nervous, BUT like Ben Francia once said: “Great things never come from comfort zones." I think there’s there’s a DIY workshop in town that I've always wanted to try. I'm going to check out their schedule and maybe give a class a whirl.

Alright, now who’s ready to take the next step to feeling whole with me?! Grab a notebook and let’s get to brainstorming! I’m super pumped to commit to bettering myself for the next 21 days.

The opinions in this blog have been written by a sponsored guest blogger, who is not an AdventHealth employee. This material is intended for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for examination, diagnosis and medical care provided by a licensed and qualified health professional. Please consult your physician before undertaking any form of medical treatment and/or adopting any exercise program or dietary guidelines. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call 911 immediately.

Headshot of writer Jenna Summers

Writer: Jenna Summers
Jenna is a God-loving fitness enthusiast, business owner and nutrition coach who’s gone through her own personal fitness transformation over the last 10 years. Jenna believes that as we set goals, there’s nothing that can stop us from achieving them except ourselves. Because even though some people’s goals may be similar, Jenna knows the journey is what’s important.

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