Time's Almost Up! Know Your Benefits for Better Health

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Believe it or not, the countdown to the new year has begun. With just a few months left in 2018, there's something you might want to add to your holiday prep list: taking care of your health.

In fact, there's no better time to make those appointments for your lingering health needs, as your end-of-year deductible is likely met. By taking advantage of your after deductible health insurance coverage, you can gain the most financial benefit while heading into the new year feeling on top of your whole health.

Let's look at a few health needs that you might want to discuss with your physician or specialist and get in before 2019 is off to a running start.

1. Vaccinations

From the flu to pneumonia, shingles and even pertussis, check in with your primary care physician to see what vaccinations may benefit your health. Get these now to protect your wallet and health leading into the new year.

2. Health Screenings

Mammograms, colonoscopies, pap smears, DEXA bone density scans or general wellness exams - these screening measures are important to keep up to date. Discuss your preventive screening schedule with your primary care physician or specialist and don't hesitate to make those appointments. Think of how great you'll feel starting the new year with your screening tests behind you.

3. Skin Checks

Living in the sunshine state brings a lot of benefits, but not to your skin. Consider an appointment with a dermatologist for a skin check. Don't mull over that mole or spot and get it evaluated. If you do have something in question, rest assured that many skin cancers and lesions can be treated early and during your skin check appointment.

4. Physical Therapy

If something is aching or dragging you down, why not get the help you need to live your active life, pain-free? Physical therapy helps many people living with disorders or injuries affecting the body's joints and muscles gain strength, flexibility and function. If you have a nagging pain or can't quite play tennis like you used to, consider bringing it up to your doctor to see if physical therapy could help.

5. Procedures or Surgeries

No one wants to have a procedure or surgery, but if your physician has recommended one for you, from knee replacement surgery to shoulder repair, or anything elective, don't keep putting it off. Acting now can help you reap the most benefit out of your insurance coverage, and most importantly, get you on your way to feeling well again.

If you have questions about whether or not you have met your insurance deductible, call your insurance provider, or reach out to us. We're here to help guide you, too

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