Purest Example of a Nurse

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Charles Buckhannon works on the 6 South unit at AdventHealth Waterman caring for medical and orthopedic patients. He was nominated for the DAISY Award, which honors nurses for extraordinary clinical skill and compassionate care, by the wife of a patient.

The wife said, “When my husband was admitted to the hospital in the wee hours of a November morning, he was suffering from withdrawal from a medication. He was disoriented and extremely agitated. Yet Charles was so attentive. He is the purest example of a nurse. I thank God he has chosen to serve those who are unable to help themselves.”

The wife was also was appreciative of the care Charles provided her, even though she was not the patient.

“In addition to his amazing care of my husband, Charles spoke with me and counseled me when I was incredibly distraught, confused and sad about my husband’s recent outbursts and actions. Charles explained the disease and assured me my husband would be better with the correct care,” she wrote. “He shared personal experiences he had with his own family members and how he had dealt with them. He lovingly treated my husband as if he were one of his own family who was suffering.”

Charles’ compassionate, personalized care is an amazing example of our service standard, Love me.

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