The Importance of Acts of Kindness

Thank You letter on box
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Feel Whole Challenge Day 11: Think of Someone You're Grateful for and Tell Them

Day 11 of the Feel Whole Challenge is all about showing gratefulness to someone else. I love that this challenge really helps us to be intentional about doing things to feel whole emotionally, physically and spiritually. I was excited about this particular challenge because it meant I could share some tasty treats with someone I had been thinking about.

One of my love languages is sharing food with people. For this day's challenge, I thought of someone who had been going through a tough time recently. I'm so thankful for her friendship and I thought this was the perfect opportunity to share my gratitude and hopefully help lift her spirit.

I baked some delicious paleo cake bars and decided to bring her some knowing she loves a sweet treat. These are delicious and I think they’re much healthier than your typical dessert, so even better!

Packaging makes a big difference, and it doesn't have to be complicated. I took an empty to-go box and added parchment paper.

Brownies in a box

I added the yummy treats and packed them up nice and neat. A simple string tied around the box added a nice embellishment.

Thank You letter on box

A little note also goes a long way. Words of encouragement can do wonders, especially for someone who could use a little affirmation. Handwritten cards add a nice personal touch and they can mean so much to the recipient.

I hope this encourages you to do something special for another person today. It doesn't have to be crazy expensive or over the top. It doesn't even have to be homemade. Think of something that could help brighten that person's day. It's just a nice way to show someone that you're thinking about them and you're thankful for them.

Small acts of kindness can strengthen friendships, encourage someone who needs it and give you a feeling of gratitude.

The opinions in this blog have been written by a sponsored guest blogger, who is not an AdventHealth employee. This material is intended for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for examination, diagnosis and medical care provided by a licensed and qualified health professional. Please consult your physician before undertaking any form of medical treatment and/or adopting any exercise program or dietary guidelines. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call 911 immediately.

Headshot of Writer Yuni Min

Writer: Yuni Min
Yuni is an interior designer, professional stager and blogger. When she’s not staging homes, she’s caring for her children and foster children or posting her favorite recipes. A natural for design, she finds interior decoration serves as a creative outlet that allows her to feel centered and whole.

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