10 Activities to Ease Your Mind During the Coronavirus Pandemic

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Spring may have arrived, but the activities that usually accompany it are mostly on hold for now due to the spread of COVID-19, the disease caused by coronavirus. Sporting events are canceled, vacations postponed, schools are closed, and get-togethers are mostly non-existent for now.

And while staying inside to help stop germ spread may not have been at the top of your wish list this spring, it’s best for everyone to stay home and make the most of it — that’s how we’ll flatten the coronavirus curve. Plus, look on the bright side, this could be an opportunity to learn something new or brush up on old skills.

Infographic: During the Pandemic, Try Activities to Ease Your Mind

Try These 10 Activities to De-Stress During the Coronavirus Pandemic

To help you avoid going stir crazy and keep your mind at ease during these difficult days, we’ve compiled a list of activities you can do at home.

1. Enjoy Some Fresh Air
Fresh air can help refresh your senses, boosting your physical and mental well-being. If you have a porch or patio, take a seat and try to relax. If not, open a window and practice some deep breathing. Calm your mind and enjoy the breeze.

2. Listen to New Music
Do you have the same playlists on repeat? Search through music libraries and find something new to enjoy or try out a playlist put together by someone else on a music streaming app you enjoy. And, as a bonus, a dance party (solo or with family) definitely counts as at-home exercise.

3. Organize Your Pantry
Like many people, you may have the problem of so many containers and so few lids. Take everything out of your kitchen cupboards and sort through it all. Decluttering can help ease your mind. Not sure what foods should be in your pantry during a pandemic? We put together a list of healthy staples that keep best over a long time.

4. Practice New Recipes
If you’re feeling adventurous with food, dust off your cooking skills and pick one new recipe a day to learn. Go for plant-based recipes to get essential vitamins and minerals from the food on your plate. Your family will probably be grateful for the variety, and it’s an opportunity to incorporate healthy foods into your daily diet that nourish your body and brain.

5. Practice or Re-learn an Old Instrument
Did you used to play the keyboard? Ever wanted to try playing the kalimba? If you’re musically inclined and have instruments on hand, picking them up again after a while can give you a much-needed creativity boost. You can also find small instruments to play and order them online, shipped to your home. Playing music can help ease your mind, regardless of the instrument.

6. Start a Journal or Blog
Now’s the perfect time to finally start that blog you’ve been thinking about, or dust off that old journal you haven’t touched in ages. Reflection can help you sort your thoughts. And, instead of focusing on the downsides of staying at home, you can consider and write down all the positives. The more you write down what you’re grateful for, the happier you can be.

7. Take a Relaxing Bath
A nice, relaxing bath is one of those things you might never find time for normally. Now that you’re at home, it may be easier to fit some rest and relaxation in the tub into your schedule. Take that time for yourself and enjoy the bubbles, herbal soaks or bath bombs you’ve been meaning to try.

8. Watch Funny Videos Online
A good laugh not only takes your mind off of coronavirus but is great for your body and brain. Take a few minutes to laugh by seeking out a few videos to give yourself a break from the news. Animal videos are a great go-to for laughs, but you don’t have to stop there. You may even be able to track down some home videos on VHS at your house to watch with your family.

9. Watch Some of the Really Long Classic Movies
With how stressful the present day is, you can unwind by taking a step into the cinematic past. There are so many classic films to choose from, in all different genres, too. Whether you like comedy, drama or thrillers, make a list of classic films and start working your way through them. You can watch them by yourself, or schedule a movie night with your partner or roommates.

10. Write a Letter
Remember when everyone wrote handwritten letters to each other? Snail mail can be a thing again, during the coronavirus pandemic. Especially if you’re missing loved ones in other parts of the world, send them a quick note to let them know you’re thinking of them. It’s an easy way to send positivity to others and encourage them to stay strong during this time.

Stay Up to Date With Coronavirus News

We’re here to help you and your family stay safe and healthy during the coronavirus pandemic. If you’re wondering the latest news surrounding coronavirus, your questions are answered on our Coronavirus Resource Hub. You can check in as often as you’d like, so you and your family can stay informed and confident.

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