Keep Moving: Sports Injury Prevention After 65

A Trio of Senior Men Sit on a Gymnasium Floor While One of Them Tosses a Basketball in the Air

Now that you’re in a chapter of your life that allows you more freedom to do the things you love or have been wanting to try, you can join an exercise class, play tennis with friends, or start a walking club. Not only is an active, vibrant lifestyle now a norm for older adults, it’s encouraged to stay as physically active as possible for your whole health.

It’s important to ease into any exercise that’s new to you or that you haven’t done in a while without overdoing it. If you’ve been inactive for an extended period or have health concerns, check with your physician before starting an exercise program.

Tips to Avoid Sports Injuries

When you’re ready to go, give yourself the best chance of meeting your long-term fitness goals and being able to stay active by avoiding sports injuries. Here are some expert tips to keep you safe:

Check Your Shoes

Make sure your athletic shoes fit well and are in good shape. This can help prevent rolling an ankle or putting undue strain on your feet, knees, hips and back.

Warm Up

A 5- to 10-minute warm-up before you exercise should include gentle stretching, as well as strengthening and cardiovascular exercises. While warming up, consider the physical demands of your upcoming activity. For example, prepare for tennis or basketball by carefully stretching your Achilles tendon.

Don’t Be a “Weekend Warrior”

Routine physical activity will build and maintain conditioning, allowing you to participate in any athletic pursuit with less risk of injury. Experts suggest at least a half hour of physical activity most days. Walking is one of the best all-around exercises you can do regularly to stay in shape.

Take a Break

Rest for a day between games or workouts to allow muscles to recover and to prevent strains and injuries from overuse.

4 Common Sports Injuries to Avoid

Be aware of these four common sports injuries. Seek medical advice if you notice symptoms.

Rotator Cuff Tears or Impingements

These are caused by straining a cold muscle in a sudden overhead motion, such as playing tennis or pickleball.

Achilles Tendon Ruptures and Tears

These injuries are often seen in senior athletes who haven’t stretched. They can happen in any sport that involves running, especially with sudden acceleration as in tennis and basketball.

Sprains or Strains of the Medial Collateral Ligament

This ligament straps the inside of the knee joint. Often triggered by a lack of strength or flexibility, this injury can occur when you’re pivoting in basketball or rotating suddenly, as a base runner in softball might.

Elbow Tendonitis

Elbow tendonitis is inflammation of the tendons that extends from elbow to wrist. It’s caused by repeated movement and can affect bowlers and racket-sport enthusiasts.

Stay Well for Life

With AdventHealth Well 65+, you’ll experience exceptional primary care that’s customized to your needs and goals to ensure you’re staying active well after age 65.

Our physicians and advanced providers understand what you want from health care in this chapter of life, which means spending plenty of time discussing your questions and concerns, along with simple, seamless coordination of your care.

Schedule your appointment today at AdventHealth Well 65+.

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