The Trust Transformation


If you want to accomplish more and improve outcomes in virtually every area of life and business, the goal is clear—build better relationships. How do you do that? In a word: Trust. Give others reasons to trust you and ensure your trust in others is valid.

Relationships are the cornerstone to success in our personal and professional lives. They are the channel by which we accomplish great things and experience meaning. Innovation, growth, change, restoration, transformation—all occur through trusted relationships. We don’t succeed on our own, and neither does a business.

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In an ever-changing world, trust is so vital it could almost be considered a form of currency. While you may not be able to trade it on the open market, it clearly has value. Too often we assume that trust exists, or that people will implicitly trust us when, in fact, trust must be cultivated, earned, repaired, and restored when needed.

Enter The Trust Transformation: Keys to Building Successful Personal and Professional Relationships. In this dynamic program, you and your team will learn:

  • What trust is and how it works
  • The two drivers and four attributes of transformative trust
  • Simple steps for building trustworthiness
  • Repairing lost trust even when you didn’t break it
  • How to protect your reputation, which is your brand
  • How to create a trust-building, not trust-busting workplace
  • Activities, exercises, and a 12-week action plan to achieve trust transformation

Start getting better results through better relationships today in your personal and professional life by beginning The Trust Transformation.

About the Authors

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Health Performance Strategies

Health Performance Strategies is a wellness driver created by AdventHealth designed to partner with professional organizations in establishing and sustaining a culture of health and wellness. Their comprehensive 4 phase structure is based upon world-class medical expertise and more than a century of experience providing hope and healing to the community. Their goal is to empower participants to live a more fulfilling and productive life by embracing the eight principles of CREATION Life – Choice, Rest, Environment, Activity, Trust, Interpersonal relationships, Outlook, and Nutrition.

AdventHealth is guided by Seventh-day Adventist CREATION Life principles — Choice, Rest, Environment, Activity, Trust, Interpersonal Relationships, Outlook and Nutrition — designed to improve health and happiness by living a balanced life. These principles, along with world-class medical expertise, open a powerful pathway to employee health and wellness.